Want to fully understand your Border Collie to demystify your training!

In this FREE 5 day training series you will learn:

  • Characteristics of the breed - so you fully understand their behaviour
  • Why Border Collies are misunderstood - so you can avoid common training mistakes
  • The unique attributes of a Border Collie - so you can bring out their genius
  • Body language of the Border Collie - so you can differentiate your dog's emotions
  • Common training mistakes - so you can train for success


  • Why does my Border Collie. ....?
  • Why isn't my training working?
  • Why Border Collies are a working breed not a pet
  • Why your Border Collie got expelled from school

Then come and geek out on this genius breed as by understanding them better we can make their lives better



Day 1 What Border Collies are bred for

Day 2 Why Border Collies are misunderstood

Day 3 The Unique attributes of the Border Collie

Day 4 Border Collie body language

Day 5 Common training mistakes

Interested? Then come and geek out on this genius breed as by understanding them better we can make their lives better

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Meet Your Trainer

I’m a dog trainer and I specialise in working with owners of Border Collies, and their crosses.

I’m a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, Real Dog Yoga instructor and Force Free Trick Trainer with over 4 years of experience.

I know what it’s like to dream of having a dog you can take anywhere, enjoy walking and have an amazing bond with. 

My dogs have been my biggest teachers. Mini is a sensitive soul who needs her training broken down into the tiniest of steps. Ding is a child genius who needs clear direction and enough stimulation to keep his busy brain satisfied. They have both made me read, learn and find new ways. 

From this I developed my new framework ‘DingBatt to Dreamboat’. 

A unique methodology to turn your crazy, car chasing Collie into a wonderful, calm companion.

And with my two latest additions this learning hasn't ended! Each dog is so different and needs such different training. Beau is a class genius with so much sporting potential, he's teaching me to up my game! And puppy Sparkles is keeping me grounded as she is currently in the land shark phase!

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